Saturday, 10 March 2012

Black screen (no signal) after RDPing to PC running Windows 7 64 bit

I have a PC running the 64 bit edition of Windows 7. The PC has an ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro with two 19″ HP LCD screens attached. I have a problem where the left screen reports no signal in the following scenario:
  1. The screens are put to sleep by Windows
  2. I connect to the computer using Remote Desktop
Some time later when I attempt to use the computer the left screen doesn’t appear to wake up. The screen itself reports that it has no signal. The right screen works – I can see the mouse cursor. The only way I can resolve the issue is to restart the computer (via a remote restart of windows using the shutdown command).

I have a colleague with an almost identical PC . The only difference is that he has an Intel graphics card. He doesn’t get this problem.

I have tried the latest ATI drivers but it made no difference. I have also tried an update from Microsoft which didn’t fix the problem either.

It’s just not good enough!

Update: A workaround is available at

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